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Methodology Articles
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Strengthening the Backbone of Market Research: Supporting the Market Research Institute International
In today's fast-paced, digital-first world, where consumer behavior is ever-evolving and markets are continually...
Beyond Mobile Optimization: Mobile First Survey Design Tips
Mobile-first surveys will improve representation across target audiences because mobile device penetration and...
Market Research Methodology and Getting the Most Out of It
If you want to become a data and research-backed organization but don't know where to startIn this...
Statistical Analysis Methods for Market Research
Statistical analysis will take market research to the next levelIn this Article... Introduction What...
Weighting Survey Data II – Statistical Weighting Methods
Guide to Weighting Survey Data: Statistical Weighting MethodsIn this Article... Introduction Basic...
What is a Sampling Frame in Survey Research
Learn about sampling frames for surveys and why you need to know how to build them (or know people that...
Complete Guide on Weighting Survey Data
Guide to Weighting Survey Data: Pros and ConsIn this Article... Introduction What is weighting data?...
Survey Validation and Ensuring Congruity
Survey Question Development: How to Ensure CongruityIn this Article... Introduction Survey Question...
Customer Retention and Metrics You Should Track
The Quest for Improved Customer ExperienceIn this Article... Introduction What is customer...
10 Business Uses for Conjoint Analysis
Try conjoint analysis to optimize product offerings and gain market advantages over the...
The Guttman Scale: Definition and Basics
The Guttman scale is a unidimensional scaling technique used in surveys In this Article......