The Standard Ovation Blog
A practical and noted source for research methods, meetups, and more…
What is a Brand Awareness Study? A Market Researcher’s Insights
A brand awareness study can help you gauge how well your target audience is aware of your brand. Read below to learn more about measuring brand awareness through market...
Customer Journey Mapping for Market Researchers
Today, every aspect of digital marketing and the all-embracing marketing umbrella is led by those on the other end of these interactions – the customers. Instead of asking how you can get the customer to do what the marketers intend, the question focuses on eliciting solutions for helping the customer achieve their goals while fulfilling yours…
Understanding Empirical Research
Ancient Greece produced some of the greatest philosophers with unique perspectives that stemmed from equally unique beliefs. Some, adhered to the dogmatic doctrines popular and commonly held at that time. There were those who instead favored evidence collected by observation of phenomenon through senses. They were called empiricists…
Net Promoter Score
Marketers and managers have long been facing the challenge of developing and maintaining customer loyalty. With consumer preferences, buying behavior, and general consumer behavior shifting with the dynamics of continuously evolving markets, it’s critical that marketers are invested in brand tracking…
Market Research Biases and How to Remove Them
The Association of Qualitative Research based in the UK describes bias as a “systematic error.” The definition suggests that this systematic error is responsible for deviating results from the true findings of the research. Various biases can impact qualitative and quantitative studies…
2020 NoKidHungry Contributions
Learn about our fabulous Clients!List of 2020 Contribution Honoree Organizations We are pleased to have made a total contribution to
Online Focus Groups Success Guide
Bronislaw Malinowski, a prominent figure in cultural anthropology, first reported the appearance of group conversations among Trobriand Islanders that emulated our modern understanding of focus groups. It was not until the early 1940s when a more formal appearance of focus groups emerged in research methodologies. Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton were both conducting market research that studied the impact of propaganda during the Second World War.